Sunday, September 8, 2013

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

I started on a series of lessons entitled Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. I used to hate art. I find it cumbersome, tiring and silly.

I concluded that I'm just not made for Art.

But as I grew older, I began to find solace in the silence of the Art museum, looking at contemporary art and contemplating the meaning of the art pieces. As a result, I soon develop an intense inclination towards Art. Nonetheless, apart from some silly cartoons, I am not able to translate what I see into realistic pictures.

Drawing Right was recommended to be via Facebook's suggested post system. Somehow, through some complex computer algorithm, they manage to gather that I'm probably someone interested in Art. THANK YOU INTRUSIVE AND SOMETIMES ANNOYING FACEBOOK ADVERTISEMENT SYSTEM. I became intensely interested after looking at some of the pre-instruction and post-instruction pictures.

It occurred to me. I bet my pre-instruction drawing is not quite as bad. Will I be able to achieve this standard of drawing after 5 sessions? It sounds almost like a miracle!

Isn't the change quite amazing?

I felt like I had to give this a try.

I tried to register for the weekly course in August but realised that I could not commit because I would be down for duties on two separate Saturdays.

But finally, I signed up for the September course which began on the first day of my sept "holiday".

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